Pre-Practice and COVID SAFETY Information - April 9, 2021

29 Mar 2021 by Dave Sanford


This is updated information regarding our safety policies as it relates to practice on Friday April 9 2021 from 3pm-5pm at HMT 1. 100% compliance with these protocols is required for participation and players may be removed from practice from not following any of these protocols. Players who are removed for violating protocols are not eligible for refunds of any kind.

Please NOTE the current travel advisories for the state of Oregon and note what is and is not required in terms of quarantine.

We NEED parents to act as COVID safety officers. This involves being at the field from 3:00pm-3:30pm and managing check-in.

Prior to coming to the field all players and coaches should have an at home self-health assessment. If you have experienced Covid 19 symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath, temperature over 100.3F or been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with Covid 19 please notify us and DO NOT come to practice. If you have no issues you do not need to respond to this email. This is very IMPORTANT.

After conducting your at home self-health assessment please complete the following survey:

All players should enter the field through the main gate in front of the parking lot on Cedar Hills Blvd. Check-in will include verification of at home self-assessment, temperature check and hand sanitizer distribution. Once completing check in players need to establish an area for their belongings that a minimum of six feet away from the nearest teammate. Each players area and gear should be right up against the fence at the perimeter of the field.

Players need to be masked from the moment they enter the field to the moment they leave the field. Players should not gather in the parking lot without wearing masks.

Players should maintain proper social distancing from teammates in lines during drills, during water breaks, before and after practice, and whenever possible during drills.

All players must provide their own water.
Players may request hand sanitizer from coaches and COVID safety officers at any time.



Follow all guidelines and instructions.
Complete the health survey on the day of an event, prior to arrival.
Stay home if you feel sick.
Arrive no more than 15 minutes before the event so that your temperature can be taken.
Wear a face mask at all times.
Practice social distancing.
Wash or sanitize hands before and after the event.
Bring your own water; do not share with other players.
Have your parent notify Beaverton Lacrosse if you are found to have COVID-19 or have been directed to isolate/quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19.

Follow all guidelines and instructions.
Monitor personal health of your player – keep her/him home if s/he feels sick.
Complete the health survey on the day of an event, prior to arrival.
Avoid carpools if possible.
Wear a face mask while at the facility unless you are in your car.
No congregating on the sidelines, in the facility or parking lot.
Notify Beaverton Lacrosse if you are found to have COVID-19 or have been directed to isolate/quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19.

Adopt a Return to Play plan, submit to any party as required; share with coaches, players and parents; and post on our website.
Adopt the US Lacrosse Waiver/Release for Communicable Diseases including COVID-19 and ensure all coaches and parents/guardians sign it prior to participation in any event.
Capture information during registration or onsite that supports contract tracing: player name; drop/pick up time; family member doing drop/pick up and contact info; staff info.
Designate a primary person to communicate updates on local COVID-19 requirements to coaches and parents/guardians as needed.
Track attendance at events.
Provide a process for coaches and parents/guardians to notify Beaverton Lacrosse if they or a player is found to have COVID-19. In addition, notify the local public health authority (LPHA) of any confirmed cases among coaches or players.
Should a player have or be directly exposed to COVID-19, work with the family to determine eligibility to return to play.
Monitor guidelines from the Oregon Governor and Oregon Health Authority.
Remind coaches, players, and families of healthy behavior while on the field/at the facility.

Follow any guidelines noted in the Club Responsibilities section.
Monitor personal health – stay home if you feel sick.
Complete the health survey on the day of an event, prior to arrival.
Wear a face mask at the field or facility.
Practice social distancing yourself and ensure among players.
Wash or sanitize hands before and after the event.
Notify Beaverton Lacrosse if you are found to have COVID-19 or have been directed to isolate/quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19.

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